Google Ads Suspicious Payment Activity – Why Is My Google Ads Account Suspended?

When your services and sales are dependent on Pay-per-click marketing, it can be hard to see your Google ads account suspension.

That’ll have an imminent crash on your services and sales. A very common reason to have your Google ads account suspension is because of suspicious payment.

This warning is hugely vague, and several people do not understand what head leads to account suspension and how they can fix it. It is possible to appeal the suspension, but several appeals get rejected without any explanation.

In this case, Google support mightn’t be helpful either, and they’re often unwilling to share info about your Google account suspension.

So, what occurred? How do you get your Google ads to account back up and running as soon as possible?

TodayIn this blog, I’m going to discuss the most common reasons for Google ads suspicious payment activity suspension.

Using a bank card that’s linked to another Google ads suspended account 

You likely got suspension because your account is sharing similar payment details with another Google ads suspended account. Two most vital things to point out here:

The other account could have been getting a suspension for any other reason or not essential for payment issues.

The different account has to get suspension a while ago,

Usually, a situation like this happens when PPC consultants who work with many clients use their payment methods details on their customer’s accounts. If even their customer gets banned, all other accounts will also be affected.

Google states that every marketer should use their card and payment details. But there’re still several companies who prefer to cover the marketing costs of their customers and pay them directly.

The clients will repay them for ad costs and Google ads campaign management fees, and other commissions the agency might charge.

You’d avoid this model and insist on paying yourself for every ads campaign. This way, you’ll have complete control of your transaction info and reduce the risk of getting your account suspended for payment issues.

Using a bank card that’s already linked to an active Google ads account

It might sound odd, but it’s possible that Google has not blocked it in violation but has first blocked your account. Undoubtedly, suspending the Google violating account will follow, but sometimes it might take many days for the system to suspend or flag every link account.

Card address does not match with your account address

Pay attention to your Google account address also. If you are using a bank card, you’ve to put the official company’s zip code and address in the account. If on the other way, you are using a personal card, you have to input your details into your account.

Card holder details does not match the name with your Google ads account. 

The billing name in your ads account should be matching the credit card holder’s name on the card you’re using for payments. A mismatch between your billing info and your bank’s details could be a reason for your account suspension.

Using a virtual credit card (VVC)

Though Google AdWords policy states that they accept virtual cards, many people claimed that their Google account got suspended because of using a virtual card.

In addition to regular cards, you can also utilize a virtual card. It is generally used as an alternative option to an actual bank card when making internet payments.

Apple cards and Amazon cards can also be a big reason for Google account suspension. Even if these cards are not Virtual, actual cards can be put in their carry and wallets, and their Google account numbers are generated via digital payment services.

You owe Google money for other services. 

Your Google might be suspended because of unpaid money on a previous account or another Google-owned service. Consider and review any old account you might have – Google merchant, Google ads, YouTube, etc. You might be surprised and find an outstanding balance of some of these.

Your bank has suspended the card. 

It is possible Google has not received your final payment because your bank suspended your bank card. If you are using a card outside your base region, your bank might suspend the transaction because of Google ads suspicious payment activity on your bank card.

Go to billing – payments and make sure that all of your old invoices have been paid. If you see any old invoices marked as unpaid or overdue, you will contact your bank account directly.

Your billing details cannot be verified for the similar reason 

If Google cannot know if your billing details check out, they might immediately ban your Google ads account. It’d be best if you cared about this issue.

Your Google account has been blocked due to other policy violations. 

In my personal opinion, it’s unlikely that you are in another type of marketing policy violation, and you see the ample notice of Google ads suspicious payment suspension. In any case, it’ll be helpful to ensure that you can legally market your products and business and double-check the platform’s list of prohibited content. Google reserve the full right to suspend any account deemed to be violating their Google ads policies.

You have not paid the Google ads bill. 

If you have failed to pay your Google advertising expenses on time, your Google ads account will get suspension until you pay the outstanding balance.

But in this circumstance, you will see a different warming notification that reads – your service has been blocked to sue unpaid invoices.

If this is your problem, it is simple to solve, and you have to pay your invoice, contact the Google support team, and send them proper proof of payment. Alternately, you can also wait a couple of days after you have made the payment, and the Google account will be automatically restored once they have received it.

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